Jan Jenisch
Chairman & CEO Holcim
Last week, I had the privilege of attending the Regional #Management Meeting in Latin America, and I'm thrilled to share the insights and perspectives that emerged from this transformative experience.
Our agenda was packed with thought-provoking discussions and inspiring site visits, all aimed at spearheading the vital mission of decarbonizing building and paving the way for a greener future for our operations.
On Day 2, we delved into the critical topic of #decarbonization. We have established a groundbreaking initiative in Latin America – the introduction of a Head of Decarbonization role in each of our cement plants. The roundtable discussions were a revelation.
These young leaders, supported by key sponsors from various teams within Holcim, are driving alignment and engagement across our entire organization. Their bold questioning of traditional models and unwavering curiosity to explore new projects demonstrated that #innovation and #sustainability go hand in hand.
By uniting our teams, we are fostering #collaboration and ensuring that everyone is onboard for this critical mission. Together, we will take Holcim LatAm to new heights, making it the most competitive sustainable building solutions company in the region.
One of the highlights of our journey was the visit to the Presa Libertad in Monterrey, Mexico – an awe-inspiring project that resonates deeply with our purpose. This colossal dam, constructed using Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC), will provide a much-needed water supply to the water-scarce city of Monterrey. Speaking with our customers in the city, I was also very impressed with the enormous potential of nearshoring in Mexico and the pace at which the country is developing and growing.
As we move forward, we cannot overlook the power of strategic acquisitions to expand our sustainability portfolio. The final day was marked by the visit to Pasa, a leading producer of #roofing and waterproofing solutions, which has recently joined the Holcim México family.
Together, we are paving the way towards a brighter, greener future for Latin America and beyond.
Javier Ojeda Hernández
Head of Decarbonization Holcim – Nicaragua
“Una maravillosa experiencia en mi primer RMM realizado en Ciudad de México, donde La región Latam está mostrando ser un Game changer y dirigirnos hacia un futuro más sostenible y con ganas de seguir #DejandoHuella 🌎, un gran Team el de soluciones para cada producto los cuales dimos nuestro granito de arena en cuanto a mostrar toda la estrategia en general”.
Zaida García
HR Business Partner Holcim
¡Contar con líderes que creen en tí definitivamente te llena el corazón y te motiva a soñar en grande! Tuve una de las mejores experiencias en mi carrera representando a Holcim Ecuador en el Regional Management Meeting 2023 en Mexico, como parte de las expositoras en el track de Cultura.
Ariam Lozano Perez
Líder Decarbonization Holcim Colombia
RMM 2023 - ¡Inspirador!
Que gran experiencia conocer todo lo bueno que se esta haciendo en LATAM y haber tenido la oportunidad de mostrar lo que hacemos en #Nobsa #MoliendaSeparada, vamos por mas!
Mariana Torre
Head of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs LatAm Region at Holcim
Esta semana ha sido una de las más bonitas e increíbles que he tenido en mi vida dentro de Holcim. Disfruté cada momento que estuvimos juntos. Creamos un evento que estoy segura que vamos a recordar siempre: compartimos, aprendimos, nos divertimos, nos emocionamos y nos demostramos a nosotros mismos todo lo que somos capaces de hacer.
No puedo sentirme más orgullosa de todas las personas que formamos parte de Holcim en Latinoamérica. Cuánto poder tiene ser parte de un equipo que está completamente unido por un mismo propósito, lleno de personas increíbles, inspiradoras, talentosas, y apasionadas por lo que hacemos.
Estamos construyendo progreso para las personas y el planeta, estamos inspirando e impactando a quienes nos rodean y demostrando que el cambio es posible y cada uno de nosotras y nosotros somos parte de él. ¡Estamos Dejando Huella!